BMW Repair: bmw 2000 318ci w reg, kevin ireland, bmw shop

i have just got my car and on the motor way on the way home the oil light came on,it is yellow not the red like when i turn the car on

im really bad with cars and really dont know guessing i need to add oil or get it changed.

around how much would it cost,i dont want the dealer to rob my twice in two days.

also i noticed a small crack in my front window.its about 3" to 5" long,its that an NCT(MOT) much would a new front window cost.

im sorry i dont have the vin number my car is at home im a bit worried about driving it with the oil light on.just so u know i got the car from a Private seller.

Kevin, have some one who is car literate or use your owners manual to check the oil level of the engine. If the oil level is correct (between the two hashes) then the yellow oil level warning light is comming on erroniously. Most often a fault oil level sensor at the bottom of the oil pan. A BMW shop can verify this by checking the fault codes stored in the engine computer. Replace the oil level sensor and perform oil and filter change. Front windshield at our U.S. dealer for your car cost about $550.00 USD.