BMW Repair: convertible top not working, mechanical linkages, car right

hello I have a 96 328I convertible an the top will not work at all you hit the button and nothing happens here is the odd thing the trunk will not unlock ether I had to go thought the rear seat and unbolt the truck latch to gain entree if you are think a actuator I replace it if you pull on the arm to the actuator it will not let you unlock it something is keeping it in the lock pos. check all fuses that I could find an they are good help me if you can  

Hi Brent,
This is a pretty complex problem. This particular soft top model involves a lot of components to correctly function:
MODULES-- cluster, general body module and convertible module
Numerous switches, sensors, actuators, motors
And mechanical linkages.
I can only think of 2 possible AVERAGE USER repairable options. First check fuses F7-5 amps, F27- 5 amps, F35-25 amps, and F43- 5 amps.
Second, check the wires at the first bend of the soft top
at the driver's side. If any is cut/frayed/damaged then repair it.
Other than this, the system is so complex that even a dealer mechanic with all the training, diagnostic tools, and the car right in front of him takes time to diagnose problems.
I hope you understand.