BMW Repair: 1988 325i will not start, auto parts stores, starter wire

When turning ignition switch all assy work but never attempts to start.Have tried in all gear positions.After assy position on switch is reached ignition makes no other noise what so ever.   Any ideas?

First check for power at the small wire on the back of the solenoid while attemnting to crank the engine.  If you get voltage, and you don't have significant voltage loss (resistance) in the battery to starter wire, than the starter or solenoid is bad, try jumping the terminals (car out of gear ane ignition on.  if still nothing, time for a starter.
if you get no volts on the small wire connected to the starter, than there is a good chance the igntion switch is bad.  also be sure you battery has enough power to turn the engine over.  You can also have the starter tested at most auto parts stores.
let me know some of the test results and I can assist you more, there are a lot of possibilites and I couldn't explain them all right now, so give me some of the readings you get from the proceeding testpoints.