GMC Repair: 2002 GMC Envoy, gmc envoy, steering column

My vent switch (the one that changes heat / ac to floor, defrost, mix etc) makes a clicking noise when it is changed.  I currently leave it in one place, because I finally got the switch from clicking non stop.  I assume this is an electronic switching device and that the module or switch is bad?  Any idea the level of repair to get in the dash and dx or change out the switch?  Is this a common problem?



The part is called the "Mode Actuator". VERY COMMON, I have one waiting for me Monday AM.
I am assuming it is the drivers side control.
If so it can be repalced without removing the Mode cam. (Large cam that operates another door higher up on HVAC case)
It CAN be done by prying the actuator off evenly with 2 screwdrivers. (I have a special tool, though to preform this job.)
You're going to have to remove the lower "knee bolster" and trim from under steering column.
I remove the upper trim (around gauges) and I also remove the IP Cluster (guages). Thats me though, some do some dont. It is not necessary to do so.
The Mode actuator is the middle one, with the large circular cam mounted to it.
Level I would guess 5 or 6 to a do it yourselfer depending on YOUR ability.
I Hope this helps