GMC Repair: 2000 GMC Sonoma 4 cyl 2 wd, gmc sonoma, shadetree mechanic

I unfortunately listened to the wrong people and tried towing my truck in neutral from florida to arizona. 100 miles into the trip and my rear tires where locking up. I dropped the drive shaft and continued on. Now I'm $1700 into a new tranny and my truck will not start. Used motor and install for another $1600 is what i'm being told. I can get the motor for $600 and pull it myself (will be first time). My question is: I have some extended work experience under many hoods but never pulled a motor. Is the the $875 labor worth paying or can this be done by a semi-shadetree mechanic?

I am in the process of doing my SECOND truck like this in 3 weeks.
Identical, 2000 model, 2.2 auto.
I will say, it is a the hardest rear wheel drive vehicle I have personally ever swapped motors on.
ALOT of labor, ALOT. And if you do not have access to a vehicle lift, I would hate to think what one would have to go through.
If soneone is willing to install it for 875.00, I would JUMP on that in a heartbeat.
I Hope this helps