GMC Repair: 2002 gmc evnoy pcm1 fuse, fuse blows, circuit breaker

every time when trying to turn key into run position the pcm1 15amp fuse blows  i have changed the alternator and ignition switch any thoughts what may be causing this to blow,also wants it blows if you turn the key to the run position there is a ticking sound at the top of the engine

It is eithe one of the ignition coild or one of the injectors.
That is ALL that fuse feeds.
It COULD be a wire pinched somewheres, so I would unplug 1 injector at a time, see if it blows and one coild at a time until it stops blowing (You can use a short finder circuit breaker for this process).
Thats where I would start.
I Hope this helps.
GOod Luck