GMC Repair: 95 olds 88 ac clutch, clutch replacement, clutch assembly

as I was searching for ac clutch replacement info on web, I ran across your site. I am curious to know if you have a detailed instruction and exploded view for ac clutch replacement on a 95 Olds 88, 3.8l not turbo, a/t,p/s,p/w
My wife called me frantic today, as the ac quit, but when she pulled in the driveway, i had her open the hood, and the compressor clutch had self destructed, and was wobbling, and burning rubber, (not the belt, the ac clutch)
Now I need to replace the clutch ass'y, as I believe there is no problem with the rest of the system, (I'm not sure yet, I was working on another car at the time for a friend), so I had her shut it off, and said I'd get to it...and she said...I'm tired of owning sh*t cars..........

I can get the info you need, however after you price the clutch, clutch coil and bearing, plus the fact that the compressor will also need to be removed for clutch R&R, I honestly believe you'll do better finding either a good used compressor, or a rebuilt compressor.
Also alot of them will come with a warranty.
Plus to replace the clutch, you'll also need a special tool to remove and install the clutch assembly.(may be avalible for tool rental from auto parts stores)
So I'll let you think on this and if you still need/want the instructions, please follow post back as PRIVATE with your email addy.
Thanks and I hope this helps

PS I'm tired of owning them also.