GMC Repair: A/C problems, bg products, auto 4x4

QUESTION: OK my Friend, My ac will not do anything but the ac light flashes for several minutes after I crank the engine, Bypassed the low pressure switch with no change in any thing. 92 K-1500,auto, 4x4, 350 TBI, 207600 Miles, The ac switch does not appear to have any effect on anything, And the radio acted like there is no antenna. No power to the ac compresser either.

3 things to try
1) Disconnect the positive battery terminal AND the negative terminal.
Take the 2 ends you have and touch them together for approx. 30 seconds. Now reattach the Positive first, then the Negative..... now try it..... if no better
2) remove the a/c control head, and clean the electrical contacts of BOTH the controller AND the wiring harness with a pencil eraser..... plug it back in and give it a try..... if no help
3) You PROBABALLY will need a A/C Control head.
Make sure, first though that you have power  AND ground to the controller..
If it is the stock radio, you must remember that the actual radio/reciever is under the drivers side above the gas pedal. Make sure the Antenna is plugged in there.
I Hope this helps.
JUST ADVICE from experience.
Good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No questions, Just wanten to let you know that I tried connecting the post & neg wires, work like a charm, compressor is noisey but after a year or two. I happy Thanks ,92 GMC, 207600 miles and still going strong.

Hey thats great. The condition is called Logic Lock and it was a common problem with that controller.
I also wanted to say you MAY want to have the freon charge checked... You can also have additives added to those compressors to quiet them dowm. I know BG make one, so ask some shops in your area if they handle BG products.
Again I am glad it works.