GMC Repair: multi-functional switch, booby traps, rain sensor

It start with my rt turn signal,correction: (the  cruise control does work) my wife needed to push the button. erro The fuses, bulbs all check good. Hear-say says a mulit/finctional modlue in the steering wheel. This switch run close to $300 buying it online. How do I know what the right p/n is to order and are there booby traps doing the job like the airbag going off.
My Park Ave has auto dimmers, rain sensor, etc. The replacement numbers I've found on the web are D6243D, D6266A or CS193?

Any help is appreciate anf I know this is a tough one.

Joe in Maine  

Do NOT even attempt this repair as if the air bag on the steering wheel is not properly de-activated per the manufacturers instructions you can be KILLED if it accidentally deploys when your removing it in order to get to the T/S switch.
