GMC Repair: Squeeling belt?, chevrolet suburban, auto parts store

Dear Auto,
I have a 1996 Chevrolet Suburban V8 automatic gasoline 105,000 miles.

I have an awful squeeling under my hood. It really sounds like the serpentine belt, but it is only 1 1/2 years old. The belt looks decent. This problem only began about 2 months ago. I have sprayed belt dressing on the belt. It stops the squeeling for about 5 minutes and it starts back again. I think it also may be the belt tensioner assembly. It gives too easily in my opinion. What are your thoughts and is the belt tensioner hard to replace?  

when the noise is evident lightly apply a small amount of engine oil via a tiny paint brush or suitable tool ONLY to the bearing area of the BELT TENSIONER and see if the noise goes away.

Just becasue the belt is only 1 1/2 years old does NOT tell you how long it has been sitting on the auto parts store shelf. It may have been there for a year or 2 or 3 BEFORE you bought it. Looks for small signs of cracks on the ribbed backside of the belt and replace it.
