GMC Repair: doors, factory service manuals, hefty deposit

I have a 1995 GMC Pick-up (SLE model). I cannot open the driver side door from the inside. This problem gradually got worse over time. It started out as a small catch and kept getting worse. How do I fix or repair this problem?

Has ANYTHING on or within the door been worked on previously ?.

You would naturally need to remove the inner door panel to gain access to the linkage rod(s). If you have never had one off it can be a challenge finding all the hidden bolts, screws and fasteners.

Unless you up to a challenge, You best consult with a service manual as it shows you EXACTLY where these items that need to be removed are located.

I do not have a book for a 1995 GMC P/U or I would scan the pictures and e-mail them to you.

SOMETIMES, A dealers service department will LOAN you a book for a HEFTY deposit to be returned upon return of the book. These OEM Factory Service Manuals are NOT cheap to buy.

Give it a try. Do NOT buy a GENERIC FITS-EM-ALL book of which they sell in auto parts stores.

You want the factory OEM manual.
