GMC Repair: 2001,2500 series 6.0 liter..., camshaft bearings, crankshaft bearings

2001,2500 series 6.0 liter vortex 40psi oil pressure on start-up 2 minutes idling 3psi what is wrong?

Have you installed a known good external oil pressure gage to verify the oil pressure ?. Don't sit there nodding your head, DO IT.

Is there any noises from within the engine when the oil pressure is down ?.

Low oil pressure can be caused by numerous itema due to the tight tolerances of which the engine parts run within. Some probable faults are:

1. Faulty dash gage.
2. faulty oil pressure sending unit.
3. Excessive clearance within the crankshaft bearings.
4. Excessive clearance between the main bearings.
5. excessive clearance between the camshaft bearings.
6. A severly restricted oil filter.
7. Worn oil pump.

and these are just SOME possibilities.
