Audio Systems: interference

i can intereference coming through the sound system in the form of radio stations.  how do i stop this problem?  thank you!

Are you nearby to a radio tower or transmitting antenna?  Do other electronic items such as the tv have interference also?

This is a complicated problem to solve. It must be determined if it is more an external thing from very strong rf signals in your living area in which case shielding and filtering will usually solve the problem. Or, if it is a weakness of your audio system that was not designed well for rejecting rf interfering signals then it might need to be altered or replaced with an audio system that is stronger against the unwanted interfering signals.

Sometimes, just moving the audio system around a little, relocating the wiring that goes to the speakers and such remedies will help solve it.

There are some good resources in the Internet to look at as well:

After reading through the above sources and maybe some others of your own finding, then solidify your problem a little more and reply an answer to me with more detail about the kinds of interference you are facing and maybe we can get closer to your specific problem and how to cure it.

Hope this gets you started.  These problems are usually very difficult to solve so wishing the best luck with it.