Audio Systems: Right channel static

QUESTION: Installed a Dual XPE2700 in Ford F150 and connected left front and rear speakers in parallel and same on right. After approximately 3-4 weeks, began getting intermittent static from both front and back right speakers. Static is independent of volume, input(stereo,bluetooth,auxiliary,etc) or whether or not the head unit is even powered on. This only leaves problem originating from amp. Sometimes static is louder than at other times. Volume of static does not increase with increase in volume. Troubleshooting ideas? Thanks.


ANSWER: why you didn't connect one speaker per channel output, the radio comes with 4 outputs
sounds like the raio its damage most likely there is a short on the outputs chip

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: its a 2 channel amp. How can it be radio damage if static occurs whether or not the radio is on or off?

Sorry I confuse it with the xpe 4700 , still sounds like bad outputs or one of the speaker outputs is getting ground from chasis, check all 4 speakers
or unplug both wires and test the output with a new single speaker and 2 cables  test both channels, if ok install all 4 speakers again but one at the time, a
nd test to hear the sound untill you find the problem