Audio Systems: Car audio., factory radio, radio power

hi. I have a 2000 infiniti i30. I had my radio and speakers replaced. A couple of months later the audio went out. I had best buy look into it and at first they said i need a new radio..but the radio works fine because it powers up. So they suggested i replace the factory bose amp. I want to know if that will help the audio problem.

Most likely, when the new radio was installed, the person that did the job didn't to it the correct way with the correct low level signal adapter like the soudgate xr4
the new radio power is 40wats x 4 the factory radio is only 1.25 wats because most of the power comes from the bose amplifier, with a high voltage signal the bose amplifier will get damage

for now most likely its only the fuse, if amplifier is bad you need to remove them rewire the speakers and replace all the speakers
they only work with bose amplifier good luck