Audio Systems: Stuck CD in a 6-disc CD player Chevy Silverado, chevy silverado, 2003 chevy silverado

I attempted to insert an auto CD cleaner into my factory 6-disc CD player in my 2003 Chevy Silverado 1500 HD.  It went in 3/4 of the way, and stopped.  I pushed it in a little further, and now it is all the way in and the CD player is not working at all.  I occasionally get the word "initializing" come on my display.  What do I do?  

there is not much you can do
the radio needs to be service repair to fix it
it needs to be open and the cds need to be remove one by one
there is no easy fix and you have to be very carefull because
it is very easyto destry the radio
good luck