Audio Systems: How Can I Make A CD With Many Songs That Will Be Recognized By An Old Car CD Player?, car cd players, car cd player

We all know that the older car CD players will not play MP3 files on a CD, and that SUCKS because you can fit SO many more songs on the CD.... I remember once knowing a way where FIRST, you convert the MP3s to WMAs (it was easy, but I don't remember how), THEN there was some trick using WMP to make a CD of WMAs but fit TONS on there. Does this ring a bell? Can you please help me? I tried doing a data disk and converting to a lower bit rate ( which WMP said would automatically convert the songs) and all I got was ONE track that wouldn't play! I'm SOOO frustrated!

I am 42 and been recording my music since 1992 almost 20 years and i never seen what you are talking about, it also don't make sence and it is imposible, because you will damage the audio files,  also there is no way to male something old learn nuew tricks

kusp get a ipod or mp3 player