Audio Systems: hi, ministy of sound, old amplifiers

is a 25 watt per channel goodmans from 1997 powerfull enough to support 2 350 watt 6x9's and 2 250 watt door speakers from ministy of sound please help

It is really a matter of impedance matching.  Most "old" amplifiers, and all of the Goodmans that I recall, were 8 ohms out.  If that is the case then you must connect the speakers such that they represent at least 8 ohms or more.

If you do not know the impedance of the speakers you mentioned you can simply measure the dc resistance of the voice coil with an ohmmeter or vom and add about 20% to the measurement which will give you the approximate impedance.  Most 8 ohm speakers will measure about 6 ohms dc resistance.

Then, the Goodmans will "support" the speakers.  The output in terms of loudness will be a function of the sensitivity of the speakers you have.  Most 6 x 9 speakers from the old school are usually quite efficient and drive nicely if they are properly enclosed in a box suitable for their reproduction.

If you will give me the make/model number of the speakers we can go the next step.  Or, if you have further questions just let me know.