Audio Systems: 31 band eq, octave filters, playback sound

Hello  some equalizers are (1/3 octave) what does that mean.also equalizers that are like that are they easier to use to find those frequencies that are to high or to low. Thanks:)

Equalizers have filters to pass each band of the audio. The filters are designed to pass a band around the center point of the frequency listed.  If it is 31 band and 1/3 octave it means each of the 31 bands are designed to pass the audio for that frequency that has a slop of 1/3 octave either side of the center.

See this TOA equalizer manual for a good idea of the 1/3 octave filters and how they work:

EQs are used to balance the sound; some use them in recording for correction of room acoustics; some use them for improving the playback sound.  Each band will boost or attenuate that band with the center frequency as shown and the band either side of center that rolls of at the rate of 1/3 per octave.

Hope that clears it up.