Audio Systems: 2003 sport trac, pioneer sound system, rca jack

QUESTION: Can I put a aftermarket unit in my sport trac with a factory pioneer sound system with a factory sub

ANSWER: yes it is possible
but you have to cut the 3rd plug and solder 1 rca jack and find the remote turn on wire for the factory amplifier
i have done this in the past and it work just fine

good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks doesn't sound to bad. do you know if the turn on lead is part of that 3rd plug or in one of the other 2.

it is on on the 3rd plug  you need only  3 wires from there, 2 for audio one for remote
if the amplifier is  1 channel most are

if the amplifier is a 2 channels you need to find both inputs and put them together

if the amplifier is ON the touch of your hand on the wires will make the woofer move or make a small noise