Audio Systems: home stereo, rca cables, plaing

QUESTION: how do i get stereo sound to come from reg tv. and movies from the dvd player. i have hooked up the stereo to the satilite reciever and get sound out of the stereo there but not when i switch over to dvd. i only get video? i am using rca cables.?

ANSWER: What brand / model stereo are you using and what kind of inputs and outputs are on it? I can probably give a very specific answer with this info.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The stereo is a Sony and it only has 3 connections witch are the RCA red,white,yellow. the red and white go to the satilite reciver and thats how im getting the sound. but the dvd player only gets sound from the tv not the stereo because its not hookedup for stereo sound. so i want to know do i hookup the dvd player to the satilite reciever? which i have tried and no sound has come out. the only thing that happens is picture comes out from the dvd but the sound comes from whats plaing on tv?

You'll need to be more specific. I need the brand AND model number.

Every brand and model are different as to what types of A/V inputs and outputs they have. I need as much specific info as you can give me about the gear you're using - like brands AND model numbers. Sony makes hundreds of different stereos, all with different ins and outs.

Do you have specific brand and model # for the satellite receiver as well? How about the TV?