Audio Systems: Cadillac Seville SLS 97 Stereo, bose amplifiers, cadillac seville

QUESTION: Ernesto I prey you can help me you seem to know your stuff here no doubt.. I messeged you in the past about this few months back.. I was installing the bose premium stereo in my car where I bought it used and it had the non bose in it originally... well I went and bought the bose front enclosed speakers and back 6/9 speakers that were individually amped installed them I went and bought the correct headunit with antenna hookup on it non amped of course.. I knew I had to do some rewiring and I know I needed the RIM "radio interface module" well Im kinda having a hard time and well it is all gonna cost alot of money I dont have, if I do find it not to mention all the work wiring it all and following the schematics I do have here to do this whole thing.. I was wondering if I can use the MTX Audio reQ-5 (re-Q5) from the speaker wire leads into the inputs of this and wire it from the outputs to the individual amped speakers and get sound out of it like that or this one AudioControl LC6i the first one being of 1st choice seeing you dont lose the bass as I understand all that stuff but am wondering if this will work? I can get either one a hell of alot cheaper and keep my sanity while I am at it LOL Thanks in advance my friend

Mike T.

ANSWER: yes you can do that  they will work in the worse case you will need asmall line driver because the bose signal from the original head unit is a little low  but you will know that  after everything is done
the other problem is if the bose amplifiers like the signal from the LC6i
if that happends you will need a 4 channel amplifier

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks so much your the man so knowing I pretty much figured that out and you confirming which was the most important part I should then go with The MTX Audio re-Q5 and I may need to get the line driver ok cool I did hook this up already without the Mtx or the LC6 as I dont have it yet I did hook the headunit up first to the speakers heard nothing  then I went ahead and hooked up only one amped speaker and I did hear a full bodied sound come thru but a very low volume and I was not able to turn it up or down with the volume on the bose headunit it was fixed? I wanted to add this cause maybe it will give you a better idea of what I should do next?  I thank you so much for the info and help I just wanna make sure I get the right stuff as I am ordering it online


that changes everything,
that means that the radio signal is fix and the volume is change by the
factory amplifier this must be a digital unit or the radio interface module
there is no way out you need all the factory components  
if the volume is fix

also make sure what radio you have
Bose system-cassette, option UW7 (ID 16249836)
Bose system-cassette, option UT0 (ID 16249816)
Bose system-cassette, option UP2 (ID 16249916)

this is the cdm tuner