Audio Systems: cd changer door, mercedes c230, cd magazine

i have a factory-installed 6 cd changer in my 04 mercedes c230 glovebox. the sliding door to access the magazine is stuck. i think the magazine popped out and is jamming the door shut. i can't get the door open enought to slide anything in there to push the magazine in and pushing on the outside of the door flexes the plastic but i'm afraid it will break if i push on it any harder. is there any way to fix this myself??  thank you.

you have to remove thecd changerfrom  the vehicle there are 2 screwson each side to remove the top cover
after that remove the plastic face  

yes when there is a comunication error the cd changer ejects the cd magazine ,you can also try to force the door a little in the worse case the door will get damage but the cd changer will keep working
good luck