Audio Systems: speaker wattage, fine amplifier, new haven ct

QUESTION: i need to purchase speakers suitable to play music for a 500 person crowd.   
what do u suggest as far as continous watts?   they will b set up on a stage.

ANSWER: Commercial speakers should be the only consideration and driven by commercial amplifiers. If your only doing it as one off your better off renting. Depending on where you are there are companies like Studio Instrument Rental that supply equipment and services. If your going to purchase I can definitely make some suggestions. On line companies like Sam Ash are very reliable and knowledgeable. You don't want to speak with a normal "Best Buy" type salesman. You need to speak with a professional.

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QUESTION: yes i am planning on purchasing.  suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: Were are you located?

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QUESTION: connecticut.

Sam Ash -

95 Amity Rd
New Haven, CT 06515
(203) 389-0500

Go into one of their stores and see a salesman in the pro audio department. Brands that I recommend are:

Yorkville, EAW,JBL,Tannoy,Community, EV - for speakers

QSC is a fine amplifier for any of these speakers and nearly all of these manufacturers make powered speaker whereby you don't even need an amplifier.

Less expensive but fine gear are the Sam Ash brand Samson, Behringer and Peavey. Lower quality but still capable of handling larger venues. Don't be fooled by the word wattage. It's really a balance between power and speaker efficiency. See a professional.