Audio Systems: Blaupunkt Laguna CD36, blaupunkt laguna cd36, internal amplifier

Hello Sparky,

I have the above mentioned CD receiver installed (by my son) in my 1999 Ford E-150 Conversion Van.  It was purchased new and installed properly (I assume, it worked beautifully for over a year)

I am having two (2) issues with it:

1.)  I like my music LOUD.  When I push the system above volume level 47, while playing CDs, the system will power down, power back up, lower the volume and play from exactly where it cut out.  If I take the volume back up to 47, it will repeat this process.

2.)  CDs removed from the system are HOT.  Sometimes to hot to handle with bare hands (I've actually thrown a CD out the window by accident trying to get it off of my hand)

Both of these issues are intermittent.  I kinda think the heat up of the CDs is associated with the actual heat in the van, as the problem seems to happen more in the winter while I am using heat.  The shutting off problem seems to happen more with heavier bass CDs.

Any ideas what is wrong?

Thanks in advance for you assist.

It's not uncommon for the internal amplifier to get hot. Some systems can get rather warm to the touch on the faceplate.

If enough instantanious heat is tripping the thermistors during heavy bass songs, it will cause the power cycling as a precationary event.

In your case I would lean towards an actuall issue as the CD shouldn't be that hot. I would have it checked.

The heating system does affect this in the winter in most cars I've driven.