Audio Systems: CD Player for the Blind, avery label, dad lives

My Dad is 83 years old and totally blind.  He listens to books on
cassette day and night, but we cannot locate a CD player that allows him to
stop the CD and start it up again where he left off.  I saw your answer
to Judy about getting an I-POD, but that is much too small for him to
manipulate.  Can you PLEASE suggest specific stores or websites where
we can purchase this item?  My Dad lives in New Jersey.   Thank you.

A simple single play CD player should work. The power would always have to be on. What you can do is use something like a little circular Avery label and stick it on the pause button and a different shape label for the play button, that way he can start and stop the CD where he left off. The only problem that you will eventually have is that you will end up shortening the life of the player because there is an active mechanics and laser involved. There are many tools made for the blind using a computer but you would need to have it set up by someone knowledgeable about those computers. Have you tried Lighthouse or other institutions for the blind. You must remember that your dad's condition is not unusual so there must be a system specifically for him.