Audio Systems: Removing Peugeot 306 clarion 3025 radio, milk carton, peugeot 306

When i had the starter motor changed for my car i think the battery was disconnected and now i need to imput a code to get the stereo working. I've seen i can buy one online but i need to see the serial number etc- can you tell me how i remove the radio it seems built in to the unit. (do i need to get the garage to do it?)

Yes, I believe the serial number is on the back of the unit; necessitating the removal from the dash.

However, most often the SN is available with the handbook that comes with the unit.  Check the glove box to make sure that you don't have it already.
is a place where you can purchase the detailed instructions.
is the picture for your model car.

It requires a removal tool that opens the clips so the unit can slide out.

You may be able to find such tools - or one that will do the job - at:

or other such online sites.

If you are mechanically clever and can shine a light up into the slot area you may be able to make your own removal tool by studying the picture and cutting up an old milk carton.  Many clever owners have done such.

Hope this helps.