Audio Systems: Crackling Sound, cable isolator, crackling sound

Robert, I have a 32 Phillips LCD TV. Without any sign of trouble, one day it just would not turn on. the repair shop installed a new power supply but when I brought it home and turned it on the speakers emitted an intermittent but costant crackling sound. I brought it back to the shop and when he plugged it in it seemed fine. Upon returnig home it continued the crackling even when I tried two different boxes nd locations. No other tb's are doing it. I have sattelite and the shop has cable. Any ideas? Mike

Sounds like it could be generated from the cable box. Try connecting the TV to a video source like a DVD or VHS player and make sure you disconnect the cable box. If that's the problem them you need a Cable Isolator on the RF input of your TV. Try Cable Master.

If that doesn't work then you may want to swap the TV with another to see if it's being generated from the line power. Do you use any devices with motors near the TV?