Audio Systems: 97 ford exp., ford exp, tv volume

I installed 2 tv's in headrests and a dvd player. picture is great but volume is real low playing through aux.  radio stations play normal just tv volume is low almost a whisper.

When you say tv volume I assume you mean the audio coming from the dvd player?

You may have to install an audio preamp or booster to bring up the audio level.  Is it clean sounding; no distortion?

If distorted there may be a short or impedance imbalance. If clean sounding the level needs to be higher.

If the dvd player has a headphone output try that; it normally has a higher audio level.  Also, if there is a setup screen for the player make sure the audio is set at maximum.

Let me know the equipment makes and models so I can give you more specific information.

Hope this helps.