Audio Systems: Stereo System Installation, chevy blazer, metal chassis

QUESTION: I just bought a 00 chevy blazer lt. I purchased two twelve inch rockford fossgatez and an infinity amp from a friend. Both in perfectly good working condition due to previous inspection. While nearly completing the task of installing the subs and all the RCA cords etc, when it came to hooking the remote wire into the back of the cd player, the amp would not stay powerd. There were three light indications, power protect and another i cant remember the name of. When trying to to power the amp the protect light would blink but the connection would not stay. We checked the ground and even tried another remote wire to the amp. NOne of the above has worked, however, we were able to power the deck, and the amp just not at the same time. I know its kibnda of a broad descripition but my neighbor from a towing shop did the grease work.

ANSWER: Tough one to diagnose long distance, as you know.

However, my guess is the power line from the battery is either not making good connection or is not connected at all.  So, check that.  If you have a length of wire, try running direct from the battery to the amp.

Also, a weak ground can cause this.  Make sure the ground for the sub amp is really solid to metal chassis.  Scrape down the paint to make sure it is getting a solid ground connection.

Hope this helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Tried a little more work today. After re-wiring the remote wire and re checking the amp connections we got a little more of a result. The amp would light up and we could here it click on, but it would short out. Upon tryingto re-mount the ground and we had the same result. . Checked all my fuses and none seem to be blown. Im wondering if the powerline to my battery is cut or pinched under the hood somewhere. Could this possibly be the cause of not getting complete power to my amp? The three lights on my Infinity amp are CLip, Protect, and Power, and the ones that respond mostly are clip and protect. Thanks for all the help

The clip and protect lights should not be flashing.  It is a sign of something wrong, for sure.

So, make sure the 12v power line is not compromised and good grounds.  Then remove any inputs from the amp and see if the lights quit flickering.  Disconnect all the speaker lines at the amp also - so the amp is sitting with dc power but not audio input or speaker connections.

If there is a data signal getting into the amp from the head or somewhere that will cause this problem.

If there is a shorted speaker line that will cause a false short to the output of the amp and that WILL send it into protection mode.

So, keep checking; I am sure you will find it.