Audio Systems: New Car stereo, mitsubishi galant, panasonic cq

Hi, I have a Mitsubishi Galant (1991) and the radio is not working (you have to hold the button in to get it to work) - I have purchased a new head unit, it is a Panasonic CQ-C1303W.  Needless to say the wires are not the same colours and there seem to be extra wires in the old one with attached fuse holders all over the place - do I need the fuse holders?  the new stereo has a fuse in the back.  Is it going to be a pain to pu the new stereo into the vehicle?  Can you help?  please

If you go to an search for your car and unit it will give you wiring harnesses and instructions you need.

At the above site, select the link on the right hand side called "Installation Tool Box" and it will provide further information about the things you need to install.

Had you purchased the Panasonic from Crutchfield they would have supplied them for free.  But, I think you can buy the wiring stuff and installation instructions from them for about $10 each.

If you want to do it by yourself, you must look through the Panasonic owners manual for the wires to each speaker. Then trace out the wires in the Galant and label them which one is for front, rear and so on.  Then, cut, splice, solder and wrap them OR find some kind of connector that will make it a plug-together installation.  It can be done easily if you have a vom and are handy at electrical things.

Maybe this will get your imagination running. If you need further ideas, let me know.