Audio Systems: pioneer DEH-P3600, pioneer deh, rca cables

Hello...I hope someone can help me out.  I have a pioneer head unit in my truck that was working perfect. I removed it tonight to install some rca cables. I took out both the fuses for it before starting this. I pulled no wires or connections but when I turned the unit back on there was no sound what-so-ever. I back tracked to the point of unhooking every speaker from the unit and trying a test speaker on each channel individually. Every thing else is functioning properly with it except the sound. I dont really know where to go from there. Just seemed strange for something to blow in it at that exact moment. I'd really appreciate any help.

Hi Brian,

Sorry to say, but specific questions about particular models of cars and/or audio systems for them is impossible for any "expert" to answer, as I don't own the car nor the audio equipment.  Research on the Web using search engines or call your auto dealer for assistance.  Wouldn't want to fry something serious in your car/truck with bad advice, like the computer!  Cheers, Wink