Audio Systems: Dodge Inifity Radio, inifity, bypass filter

I changed out the Inifity Radio in a 95 Dodge Ram, bought the mounting Adapter, Wiring Harness and hooked everything up, The Back speakers have no bass just highs. I remembered that the back speakers have a relay on them that is powered from the inifity so what do I need to do to correct this?

Hi Keith,
The "relay" is a bypass filter. sounds like they are active ones and require their own power, check this first. If there is no power from the head unit now, I would put a normal 40amp relay next to the amp, live feed (30) from live feed on amp red wire, neg to earth, signal on relay from signal on amp from head unit, output (on relay) to crossover. the cross over will now be powered when the radio (and therefore the amp) is switched on.

       from signal (blue?) on amp from head unit
live +30 -[relay ]-cross over