Audio Systems: Ipod in Taurus, griffin itrip, oem wiring harness

I have a 2000 ford tatus with the Mach audio system installe in it. I was wondering how i would connect a MP3 player or an Ipod up to they system. i am good with car electric systems. Thank you

  This seems to be a REALLY popular question lately... I've gotten three just this weekend!

  Anyway, my pat answer is that depending on what your stock radio is, there are two or three ways to go.  The first two are realatively easy:

Method 1) no wires, instant gratification:
 Get yourself an FM modulator (like the Griffin "iTrip") and set it to an open radio frequency in your area.
 There's no wiring and, not surprisingly, it offers the same fidelity as any radio station.  There are many FM-MP3 interfaces out there to choose from, some even plug into the cigarrette lighter so you don't have to worry about batteries.  
  On the downside you do have to keep your MP3 player at hand to pause, play, etc.  I also don't recommend it to people who regularly go on long roadtrips - you have to keep re-setting the radio-frequency as you pass in and out of areas with different radio-statio assignments.

Method 2) Change out to a modern MP3 compatible player:
  You can purchase a new coverplate with the standard stereo DIN cut-out (see "Metra", "Schoshe", and the like) so that you can install a new stereo of your liking into the dash.
 While you're at it, find yourself a new head-unit that integrates with iPods or other mp3 players and you can simply run the cable out the back by the glove-box (or IN the glove box), hook up your ipod, and tuck it away and control it from the receiver just like you would a CD changer.
  On the downside you have to get your hands dirty and do some wiring, but it can be a clean installation - if not a great way to pimp out the car.

Method 3)
  If you are lucky enough to have a 2000 Taurus with an OEM wiring harness that permitted the addition of the in-trunk CD changer (some were hardwired, some used RF) then you can shunt into this and use it as an "AUX" input to put just about anything into the audio system.
 You may want to verify this with the manual or pull the head-unit out to check - if the unit has an 12-pin connector you're probably out of luck, if it's a 16-pin or 20-pin conector then you may want to check these guys out:
(This is actually the third, least easy or likely way)
 On the downside, I can not speak for the quality and reputation of any of these cobbled-together third-party retrofit kits.  I have stories both good and bad.  They are also not the most elegant solution - you still have to wire up a long lead to your iPod and it's still going to have to sit somewhere handy so you can pause and play, etc.

Good luck!

These links may be helpful: