Audio Systems: Err....factory to aftermarket cd-radio swap, watts rms, cheap speakers

Had the factory cd player from a 2000 s-10 just start dumping cds...can't access tracks, displaying err.

Now I've decided on replacing it with an aftermarket cd player. However I don't want to replace the factory wiring and speakers, at this time. I can't seem to find info on what wattage the original system was. Can you tell me what that is and how large of a wattage system I can put in before blowing the speakers, melting the wires or burning the truck down?

thanks for the help

Your caution is applauded, if misplaced. You can buy the best head unit you can afford. The rule is "a great amp won't hurt cheap speakers. A cheap amp can ruin expensive speakers". Don't cut your factory harness, you can buy an adaptor harness and kit from any good car stereo shop. GM vehicles come with some pretty cheap paper cone speakers, so eventually you will want to upgrade them also. But for now, a new head unit will get you rockin'. FYI, the original deck put out about 8 watts rms per channel, and the speakers can handle about 15 watts rms each. Even if you buy the most powerful head unit around (50WX4) it will run at about 5 watts during normal (road) listening.