Audio Systems: removing stock car stereo, nissian maxima, stock stereo

How do I remove a stock stereo from a 1997 Nissian Maxima?

The head unit is screwed in behind the facia so remove the screws holding the front panel of the centre consol on. remove the screws holding the frame in the consul, remove the screws in the side of the unit to remove from frame.
Either replace with one unit that can be fixed in the same way, (most major brands have side mounting screw locations) or buy an adaptor to convert to standard ISO DIN apapature and slot it in from front as normal. You may need an adaptor harness from say Pioneer to Nissan or ISO DIN to Nissan, that is the "proper" way to connect it, DO NOT chop off the connectors and wire to wire it, 99% of prolems arise because of that.
Good luck, Peter