Audio Systems: Power antenna/ amp on wiring, power antenna, antenna wire

This is probably something simple but i have been working on this sound system for a while and just can't figure it out.  I have all the speaker wires hooked up correctly, all the ignition and power wires.  The head unit gets power and the amp gets power but i cannot hear anything.  If the power antenna wire gets crossed with the 12v power wire i can hear the music...  
Any suggestions?

You do not have the power wires properly connected to the system.  A power amp, for example, has two power wires; one coming from the ignition or ON switch that activates the amp; the other comes more directly from the battery; it is the one the provides the "juice" to the amp.

So, get a voltmeter and check the 12v lines to all the electronics and I think you can easily find it.

The 12v wire to the antenna is one that is powering the amp when you cross it because the one you have on the amp does not, I suppose.
