Audio Systems: Subwoofers for 2000 Chevy Blazers?, chevy blazer, bose system

Hi Mark,

I have a 2000 Chevy Blazer 2 door (LS Model, non-Bose system and it's a ZR-2 suspension model if that helps / makes a difference).  I am in the process of replacing the stereo system in general and was wondering...

What are my options for subwoofers?  I know I can purchase a box or tube type, but is there anything other ther specifically designed for a 2 door Blazer?  Maybe one that can be integrated into the rear panel (on the inside of course :) ).  Thanks for your help & time!!!


Well, i'm a big fan of DIY  (do it yourself)  usually you can fab anything you need out of 3/4" MDF wood.  there are some manufacturers that make prefab stuff like Q forms.  I just looked on their site and I dont see anything for your car hmmm... sorry to burst that bubble.
there are something called thunderforms made by MTX
If you go to their site:

you can pick your vehicle and they make a custom 10" box for your ride.

acording to crutchfild's site this may fit in your ride:

I think this one is the biggest bang for your buck.

LEt me know what you think