Audio Systems: Car Audio Trouble, volt ohmmeter, power amps

My head unit will turn on for awhile. But then it will flash or when i turn the volume up and the bass hits the head unit shuts off. Now it won't turn on and the mode button just flashes. I checked everything that i could think of. I even got a new head unit. Could you please help me?

Try resetting the whole thing.  To do so you must remove power from the unit for 30 minutes.  Then repower it.

Best way to do tis is to just pull the positive cable off the car battery.  BUT: Don't do that if your head unit is anti-theft protected (unless you have the activation code for it).

Reset should restore all the internal codes to the factory preset status.

If you still get flashing lites, try disconnecting the power amps from power; they may be dragging down the voltage on the head unit.  If so, the problem is in the power amps, not the head unit.

You may want to invest $9.83 in a VOM (volt ohmmeter) at Walmart.  It is an invaluable tool for chasing down voltage lines and checking continuity of wiring to speakers, etc.

For example, your system may have developed a short in one of the lines/wires that is causing the problem here.

Hope this helps.