Audio Systems: power and lights, amp fuse, factory radio

I rexcently put a used deck into my c93 pontiac grand am, i used a wiring harness and it was working fine but i didn't have a sleeve to hold it still. I hit a bump and it blew a fuse and i lost power in the radio and the inside car lights, i then replaced the fuse and the deck worked fine. Later i hit another bump and the deck lost all power but the car lights did not. Now when i open the car door the lights do not come on anymore, but when i turn the car on the interior lights stay on while i drive and for about 15 minutes after i turn the car off. and the deck shows no sign of power at all. I tried putting the stock deck in, the screeen does not light up and the radio doesnt work but when i turn the volume up i can hear static. I checked all of the fuses but they appear to be fine. what do i have to do to  fix this problem?

thanks, steve

goodness! When you say "used deck" is it a used aftermarket deck like sony or alpine or kenwood, or is it another factory radio (comes with the car type of radio?) sounds like wires got pinched against the metal in the car and shorted out.  if its an after market stereo then an easy way to fix the wireing would be to run a new wire to the battery's posative for power, this would go to the yellow wire on the stereo (USUALLY BUT CHECK) make sure you fuse it close to the battery too with a 10 to 15 amp fuse. find a good place to screw into the metal of the car near the cd player and there's your ground (USUALLY black). and then you'll need a "trigger" wire, a wire that is only on when the key is in the on or run position.  I usually get these from the wire going to the cig lighter.  this would USUALLY go to the red wire on an after market unit.
Theres all new power so as long as the unit didnt blow that should fix it.