Audio Systems: Pullout Stereo, pioneer cd players, stereo head unit

  I have an old Sony pullout stereo head unit for a car. It is a very,very good unit, and I only used it for a few weeks.  I've kept the thing in storage for years.
  Now I want to use it.  I have two vehicles.  I want to use my pullout stereo in both, thus spending nothing for head units and having a tremendously good head unit.  
  To my amazement, no one in the installation business seems to know anything about what to do or where to get the "cage."
  My pullout is a Sony unit from the early 90s.
  HELP!  I don't wanna blow $800 an get no benefit!

The reason the shops don't know, is that they cages are no longer available. To get another cage, you will have buy another complete unit by haunting E-bay, or perhaps pawn shops. Be sure to look for the EXACT same model number Sony, if the model is close, you could chance it, but that's up to you. And you don't need to blow $800.00, decent Pioneer CD players cost less than $100.00 at Wal-Mart.