Audio Systems: Lost sound om my TV when connected to dvd/cvr recorder, panasonic dmr, antenna connections

TV MODEL  Hitachi 27MX1B

When i connected the Panosonic unit to my Cable Box and TV, I noticed that i can get channels including video and audio using the Panasonic unit but i couldn't get video and audio on the tv using the cable box unless i tune the Panasonic unit to the same channel on the cable box. After several attempts to diagnose the problem, i was not able to get any audio. I isolated the TV and relized that the TV can no longer deliver audio. Do you think i may have shorted out the sound unit in the TV while attempting different hook up variations?  

Dear Mo,

You'd have to work pretty hard to short out the audio output amplifier in a TV.

First, disconnect everything from the TV except the coaxial antenna input from the cable box. You should get a normal picture and sound. Make sure that you haven't engaged the TV's MUTE function. If you still get no sound, then you need to have the TV serviced.

Panasonic doesn't offer a view of the rear panel of your unit, but since it's a combo unit, my guess is that it has a ANTENNA IN and ANTENNA OUT coaxial connection. Connect the coaxial output from the cable box to the unit's ANTENNA IN and connect the unit's ANTENNA OUT to the TV's ANTENNA IN. The antenna connections are passive pass-throughs, so the unit doesn't even have to be on for the cable signal to reach the TV.

Generally, VCRs require that you tune the TV to channels 3 or 4 to watch a VHS tape. Some VCRs default as the channel switcher, meaning that you change cable channels using the VCR. Very often a VCR that is programmed to function that way will get confused when connected to a cable box, and you'll have to change both. There's a way to unconfuse it, but you'll have to take the unit back to the dealer where you bought it and have them walk you through both the connection and channel changing processes.

I suggest you go back to the dealer where you purchased the unit and have them connect it to a TV to test it and to show you how to make the right connections.

Good luck. And thanks for choosing!

Kindest regards,
