Audio Systems: 1988 chevy s-10, chevy dealership, car audio shop

i know you might not get this question a lot but i want to know if installing the deck wrong will make the dash gauges behind the steering wheel blow out, and not work the way they are supposed to, also i have a 1988 s-10 pickup and i dont think the deck is installed right, the tail lights are always on, and so i was wondering if you know how to do it and or know the wire to wire diagram if there is one.......thanks for your time.........

While installing a deck wrong won't screw up the dash gauges, per say, the fact is that you're dealing with an electronic system. If you wired everything in backwards, something would probably happen. I've never heard of this specific problem though. The wires/controls for the tail lights are a different set of wires that aren't behind where the deck is. While I'm not aware of a wiring diagram for an '88 S-10, anybody at your local Chevy dealership or car audio shop would know what wires are what. They should be able to tell you what wire is what for free. Once you have that information, go back in and check the wiring, but pay attention to your grouds, and any other wires you might have touched. Improper grounds can cause some wicked strange problems. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the source of the problem, but it would definitely be one of the stranger ones I've heard of. Try doing all that stuff, as it's a pretty good start. If nothing seems to work, then I'd recommend visiting your local car audio shop, as you probably have a more serious problem. I hope this helps.

Best Of Luck,