Audio Systems: Car Stereo, volt supply lines, car chassis

I just got a new car  stereo and connected it up myself. it all seemed to be working fine but when i try and turn it up the player turns off and than back on. if i keep it quiet than it stays on. Im just wondering if i have a wire wrong?

thanx for your time.

Two of the most likely causes of your problem are, 1 You may one or more of the speaker feed lines crossed or grounded to the car chassis. 2-The 12 volt supply lines/wires from the battery may not be of a heavy enough size wire to give your stereo the required power to work correctly. As for the speaker feeds, each speaker output of the stereo (most newer units) must go directly a speaker and none of the wires should be connected to any other wires. You may want to use an ohm meter and unplug the connector, if your stereo has one, and test the speaker lines to be sure that none are shorting out or that they are not grounded to the car's chassis.