Audio Systems: Front Right Speaker Vibrating Sound, pontiac bonneville, foam pad

Dear Expert --

I have a 1999 Pontiac Bonneville.  My factory front passenger side speaker has always been giving me some unwanted "vibrational-noise", especially with music with a heavier bass sound.  I recently bought a new set of Infinity 5 1/4" speakers for the front of the car and had them installed professionally.  But, the new speaker is still having the same problem.

It sounds like the speaker is vibrating inside the door panel.  I have faded to the back, front, right, and left, and this sound is definitely only coming from the passenger side front speaker.  I've also tried playing around with the equalizer on the car stereo to see if I could isolate the problem, and it seems that when I mess around with the 100 knob, the sound comes and goes.  I don't know if there is something wrong with that and/or how to fix it.  Any ideas on what to do to fix this?  Thanks.


 its prolly a problem that occurs from the panel that rattles against the metal frame or maybe even the actual speaker the vibrations from the bass is the cause.. have the shop that did the install check it out or you can pullt he panel off and check for any places that might be close and use some foam pad or some dynamat the best thing would be dynamats kits that are designed for door speakers to eliminate the vibrations and rattles look into the dynamat or some simple foam pad with an adhesive on the back should cure the problem .. hope this helps you out if you need anything else let me know
