Audi Repair: Audi A6 jerking when starting to move, mass airflow sensor, gauge reading

Car is a 2002 Audi A6 3.0 CVT. When starting to move from a stopped position, the car jerks fairly hard. It almost feels like something is about to break in the front of the car. The RPM gauge reading will drop and then increase (like I'm revving the engine - but i'm not) when the jerking happens. It will usually jerk or lurch two or three times and then smooth out as I increase speed. No warning lights are coming on.

It sounds like the engine is not responding correctly to the throttle.  The engine revs should not go down before they go up, they should only go up when pushing the throttle.  This could be due to a poor mixture adjustment, or idle control system, or perhaps a dirty mass airflow sensor.  It is worth getting the codes read out to see if there is a code in the computer; most accessory shops can read out the codes for you.  Let me know,  Jan