Audi Repair: Audi a6 2002 Codes P0421,P3301,, dirty gas, proper diagnosis

I was passing a car a few months ago at a fairly good clip when the engine started to "shudder", lasting a few seconds and then going back to normal.I dropped in to the dealer and he said it may have been as simple a thing as "dirty gas".

Things were fine afterwards until a few days ago when the check engine came on. It was checked at the dealer and the codes were reset(p046, 1635 3301 and 0421). I was told things should be ok but the Dealer invoice indicated that if code 0421 came back again as a check engine warning , I would need a new Cat converter. The next morning, I dropped in to see the dealer after the  check engine light came back again (diagnosed as a code 3301). I set up an appointment for them to look at the car again this Wednesday.
As the car is  on an extended Audi warrenty til the end of May, I am interested in getting a proper diagnosis since if a new converter is needed it will be expensive for me should the problem come after the warrent is up.
Can you please give me your opinion as to whether this is a converter problem? And if you think it is not, what do you think it may be?

Many thanks

Bob (in Montreal, Canada)

P3301 does not come up as a code I recognise.  I am not a supporter of dealers who erase codes and then tell customers to get on their way, the codes appear for a reason, and this reason should be investigated.  I would go back to the dealer, and state the facts you have about your extended warranty and have them put in writing (they probably will not) that this problem will not return.  Explain to them that if they do not fix the problem , but insist on fixing the symptom, this claim will be on their bill if continued.  this should encourage them to find the cause of the codes.  Let me know,
