Audi Repair: Electical, fuel level sensor, time aswell

Hi Greg

thanks for reply.

my main problem is the temp gauge, most of the time it dosnt work at all it stays on the bottom at 60. sometimes if i turn ignition off for a few seconds then restart engine the gauge will move to about half way but slowly decend back to the bottom and stop there but this dosnt happen very often, like i say most of the time it dosnt work at all.
ive already changed the 4 pin temp sensor at the back of the engine and it didnt make any diffrence, are there any other temp sensors on the engine?
ive also included the fault code below which i got from VAG-COM.

VAG-COM Version: Release  311.2-N

Control Module Part Number: 8D0 907 558 T  
 Component and/or Version: 1,8L R4/5V  MOTR HS D01
          Software Coding: 04001
           Work Shop Code: WSC 06325

Faults Found:

16500 - Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor (G62): Implausible Signal
       P0116 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent


My other problem is the fuel gauge,  when the fuel runs low and the gauge gets near 1/4 of a tank  it drops straight down to zero but theres still fuel in the tank, also the fuel mileage on the center display goes up and down all the time aswell as the gauge, one time it will read 160 miles on half a tank of fuel few moments later it will read 140 miles and then back upto 170 miles then back down to 140 miles and so on.
ive taken out the sender in the tank and it seems ok although im not entirley sure.

again ive included the fault code below.

VAG-COM Version: Release  311.2-N

Control Module Part Number: 8D0 919 930 J  
 Component and/or Version: B5-KOMBIINSTR. VDO D08
          Software Coding: 04442
           Work Shop Code: WSC 00000
          Additional Info: IMMO-IDENTNR: AUZ7Z0W0492032       
1 Fault Found:
00771 - Fuel Level Sensor (G)
       30-10 - Open or Short to B+ - Intermittent


  one other thing which im not to bothered about is the alarm L.E.D's on both front doors dont work at all (which ive replaced for new ones) and still dont work, also the indicators dont flash when i arm the alarm they flash ok when i dissarm.

i thought it was best to mention this incase somehow all three electical problems maybe linked in someway.


Colin Fletcher


as this post is very long take your time if you want im in no rush for reply:)

P0116 I 've seen them alot, and every time I did replace engine coolant temp sensor. In US I remember them for about 60$ , price was changed 3-4 times and now is 12$. I think you have bad sensor which cuts out Intermitten.

00771 it's also Intermittent, it can have bad spot on resistor (on fuel sender) and also it cuts  out Intermitten. I think you have bad sensor.
First I will check (using VAG) if module is seeing all doors, hood and trunk closed. You may have 1 of them not working and that will not set the alarm and LED's

good luck