Cadillac Repair: 85 cadillac coupe deville, auo theft denied claim forensic expert consultant uccessfully refuting the insurance forensic lock

The gas and temp gauge are showing a d on the display and Ive checked the fuses and all looks well with those.I'm new to the car I was just lookin for some advice on what it could be.


I believe the best advice I can offer for you is to obtain a factory service manual for the vehicle either through Craigs or Ebay. Not only will you have a diagnostic flow chart to guide you through this problem, but anything else that comes up. Very few service centers and forget about a dealer have any of this information, so when you have to take the vehicle in for diagnostics of whatever problem you run across, they can work off of your manual.
There is no general one size fits all answer for your complaint and it could be a fuse from an additional fuse box, a wiring feed issue, printed circuit issue, just abut anything and that is why you need the manual. Having it will save you lots of money and frustration.

Good luck!