Cadillac Repair: 1992 Cadillac wont start, forensic locksmith expert witness, vehicle last driven with actual key

I bought this 92 Cadillac sedan deville with 135,000 miles several months ago. It started fine; then it wouldn't start for awhile; then it started fine; now it won't start. A so called "mechanic" aka parts changer put a new starter on it but it still won't start. What is the most likely cause?

Thank you in advance for your advice.



Attacked by the old "parts changer" huh? Yeah, far to many out there like that.

The most common inherent problem that GM blessed its owners with is the so called Vehicle Anti Theft System a/k/a VATS, which was almost a guaranty that the owner would have to show up at least twice during the life of the vehicle to replace the ignition lock cylinder and harness. In the 90's the repair would cost at a dealers about $500.00 but in 2013, the cost has creeped up to $800.00. Same junky part, same labor. Oh what a deal!

The black chip in the ignition key, which is not a computer chip, but a resistor chip, meets each wire via contacts on each side in the very front of the ignition lock. These wires break inside their plastic insulation. Even with an ohmmeter one will never find the break, because as the wires are moved, the wires go back together until the next time the engine does not crank.

The cost to bypass is very cheap, however requires going to Radio Shack and your skill level can take take anywhere from 1 hour plus and although simple to someone like me can be challenging.
I just feel it is better to recommend calling around to car alarm stores and ask them if they have the resistor bypass pack to bypass. Shouldn't cost over $60 to get it done.

To verify this is your problem and so you can drive the vehicle there, as silly as it sounds, take the column and tilt it in the lowest position. Try starting and continue until it is in the full up position. You might have to hold your foot on the brake, put the trans lever in neutral and repeat the process. The goal is to get the wires back together one last time to get the car started to take it over for repair. The broken wire will go back together.

Good luck!